Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Eva Dolezalova Presents "Carte Blanche" - Film

(C) 2020 by Rych McCain, All Rights Reserved. No part of this column may be reprinted, re-posted or duplicated without written permission from Rych McCain Media/Syndication. Violation is subject to applicable laws

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Eva Dolezalova Presents Her Short

"Carte Blanche" - Film

Rych McCain International/Nationally Syndicated Entertainment Columnist

Eva Dolezalova Presents “Carte Blanche”

Eva Dolezalova
      Film maker Eva Dolezalova’s HollyShorts entry is titled “Carte Blanche.” The concept is centered on the idea of coming to Hollywood with the big dreams but not being “hipped” or aware of the dark underbelly of the game and the rules that govern it. Dolezalova puts it this way, “The temptations are high and they are everywhere. And so you have to be strong in order to overcome them and see the good within this industry.” One of the lines in the film says, “You didn’t have to sell your soul.” Dolezalova reiterates and agrees saying “You don’t have to sell your soul to be who you want to be.”

      This short has an immensely powerful message for those up and coming actors who may have been the cat’s meow back in their hometown or think their looks and or talent alone will set them on a smooth sailing path to superstardom. Dolezalova plays out the schemes, games, backstabbing, lies, deception, and disappointments in a scenario that may even make a few wannabe’s take a second look at this beast called Hollywood. In other words, if your craft is not mastered or reasonably professionally polished and you come to Los Angeles green with no direction, professional management, guidance or business sense with just money and fame clouding your mind, you have just set yourself up to be used, chewed up and spit out. Then hear them yell – “Next!”

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